"The boy who played like a man now the man who plays like a boy" RYAN GIGGS burst onto the scene as a fearless 17 year old tearing defenses apart and now after 2 decades at 40 he is still doing the same. Ryan Giggs now is the player who has appeared most times in the red jersey for man utd and the list of his accomplishments is as long as his career.It started when 14 year old Ryan Wilson (which was his name back then) Was took hold by Sir Alex and nurtured him at that early age and made him into the player he is today.

On field Giggs was making pulses race with his mesmerizing dribbling and his lightening pace as Captain Marvel Bryan Robson says that Giggs glides when he runs rather than running in straight line after the ball but dribbling and pace aren't the only weapons he has in his arsenal the trickery,the footballing brain,the crossing, the passing and dont forget the scoring touch. Ryan Giggs currently tops the assist chart of premier league with 130+ assists along with 100+ premiership goals overall he has 250+ assists and 150+ goals making him a true goal scoring winger Another one if Ryan Giggs' record is that he has scored in every premier league season the only player to do so. Giggs is the oldest champions league goal scorer (37years,148days against schlake April,26,2011). Another record that Giggs holds is he has never received a red card playing for man utd.
As the years have passed by Giggs has adapted his game from being a flying winger to a central midfield and if any one watches him now playing at central midfield the wont be able to tell whether this man was a winger or a central midfield this clearly shows the quality of the man. The collection of the accolades and trophies he has won is just amazing but it has come with hard work as he has led a perfect life of the pitch he has looked after himself and made himself fit enough to get in the best team in England season after season when they had the money to go out and buy any one they wanted and many cane and challenged Giggs for his position but all failed and Ryan Giggs just keeps on going and keeps on contributing to the team which is winning tittle after tittle. You talk about retirement? He'll retire when he wants the man still runs and has the energy of a 25 year old.

Those who have seen him play will never forget him There wont be another Ryan Giggs Thank you Giggsy for the everlasting memories