Rooney is fit for Manchester derby, Kagawa is gaining match fitness and RVP is ready to lead front line for all 38 games of season like last year. Moyes will have to solve a problem which may define his career at Manchester United and that is how to play these three attacking players together at same time

These three players played together for first time against Spurs last season and showed what they can do together with 45 minutes of great attacking football but after that even Sir Alex had no answer on how to play them together. He didn’t have to give it much thought because of injuries to Kagawa and Rooney for major parts of last season but David Moyes has to find a way. 
These three only played “8” of 54 games together last season but will be expecting more game time this season
Initially Kagawa was signed to play as no 10 behind Rooney but scenario changed when RVP was signed from Arsenal. Both Rooney and Kagawa love to play as No. 10 behind RVP and that means one of them has to move to left in order to play them together which will make one of them unhappy and expect Klopp or Jose to be ready to come for the unhappy player.

A clear solution is to play 4-3-1-2 with Kagawa to play in hole behind Robin and Rooney but Moyes is not the guy to try something new, he didn’t do anything adventurous at his time at Everton and there is no use to expect that from him now.So only thing left is “Rotation policy” which will see both of them playing alternately or coming as a sub for each other after few games.

It will be interesting to see what Moyes do to keep all of them happy and we (United fans) must believe in The Chosen One to do the right thing. He must take care of this problem quickly as he also has another player waiting to play in form of Javier Hernandez